
I’m one of those weird Capricorns who won’t say a thing, until I’m prompted and then I’m like a volcano spewing forth. Probably because I’ve kept it back for so long. It’s kind of ridiculous, since we’re told over and over to be open and communicative. I feel like being a writer puts me in a rock and a hard place with communication. Writing is solitary but the outcome is for the masses. Writing is personal but everyone sees the outcome. It’s tough if you lack confidence or don’t have a thick skin or are simply a heavily encumbered introvert.

I’m an introvert, though not heavily encumbered. When I get going, I get going, and I’m an extrovert around people I know or on subjects I know. But when all is said and done, I like my own company. The problem with that is, arguing with one’s self over characters or plot holes isn’t that bright because I don’t push myself to fix things that I know are wrong. Or, at least, they’re not things I have to focus on NOW. Capricorns are laid back. Sometimes I’m at the extreme end of that.

Anyhooo… recently I had the great pleasure of chatting with a friend of mine from, Elle. She has been interviewing several authors, poets and bloggers from the site to use on her own personal blog The Road to Elle. Introvert I may be, I do love to talk writing with anyone who shows interest! When I saw her questions, for some of them I really had to think. More importantly, face up to myself on why I was writing and why it was taking so long to actually get anything finished. If you like, you can check out the interview  (and don’t forget to check out the others!), but the thing I most want to get across was that talking with her and answering the questions was really helpful.

Talking with friends, family, and a writing coach (more about that another day) about writing is helpful. I’ve sorted out some huge plot holes recently (yep, that I’ve been ignoring a long time) through talk. And I didn’t feel stupid going through the issues my characters have as if they’re real. They are real, to the characters. And they’re real to me, and now I have a better understanding how I can fill in gaps, solve some issues, and make my fiction stronger.

The point is that sometimes writers need to talk instead of write, and they shouldn’t be afraid of doing so. It helps!