Covers…. without stories to go with them

I visit Pinterest and Pixabay etc to get ideas for covers for stories I’m writing. But mostly I come away with ideas for covers that have no character or story for them. I try to stop myself but it seems I’m an addict. Actually, there’s no ‘seems’, since I have purchased a couple of covers from SelfPubBookCovers without a story to go with them. And this morning I proved it all again by purchasing a set of 100 downloads from Depositphotos. Which is really kind of stupid since my cover ideas are awesome in my head but suck entirely when I try to make them myself.

But I’ve told myself it was all okay, because when I’m ready I can go to a designer with images and ideas and they’ll work magic. Right?

Perhaps the biggest issue is that as I glance over images I keep getting ideas for new stories and characters, which seems to push my existing NIPs a little bit out of progress. They rather become NLPs – novels lacking progress. This is an issue I’m well aware of but just can’t seem to control. I love looking at images and covers and all those things. It’s the same with prompts – I gather them like air in my lungs – even if I may never use them.

Clearly I have little self control when it comes to these things, but I enjoy looking. Ideas spark, and sometimes a miracle occurs in the form of an image that is to die for for an existing story.

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